IOS 15.4 impact on Microsoft Teams Mobile (Apple Devices)

Microsoft and Apple always has this mutual way of complementing each other with their security updates to the software. This is one other similar update from Apple which has caused a little wrinkle on the Microsoft Teams/ Outlook for IOS devices. Every time a mobile user(in our case its the IOS user) tries to dial in to a meeting by clicking on the dial in number from the respective teams meeting redirects them to the dial pad and the user can dial the number to join the meeting.

But here is where Apple has decided to put an end to such easy dialing option (considering few potential security threats). After upgrading the Apple devices to IOS 15.4 users will not be able to use this feature. Microsoft has already published an article on the same and Apple confirmed that this is by design.

When will this be resolved? Apple might or might not fix them, we may have to wait for an official confirmation from Apple on the same with no ETA mentioned.

Concluding this to be a behavior by design and there are no actual workarounds unless you are okay to long press the link, copy the number with the code and paste it to the dialpad and join the meeting.

Android users can still enjoy the feature.


Ganesh G

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